Solution steps
Follow the PEMDAS order of operations
Multiply and divide (left to right)
Multiply and divide (left to right)
Multiply and divide (left to right)
Add and subtract (left to right)
Convert element to fraction:
Since the denominators are equal, combine the fractions:
Multiply the numbers:
Add the numbers:
Least Common Multiplier of
Least Common Multiplier (LCM)
Prime factorization of
is a prime number, therefore no factorization is possible
Prime factorization of
divides by
are all prime numbers, therefore no further factorization is possible
Multiply each factor the greatest number of times it occurs in either or
Multiply the numbers:
Adjust Fractions based on the LCM
Multiply each numerator by the same amount needed to multiply its
corresponding denominator to turn it into the LCM
For multiply the denominator and numerator by
Since the denominators are equal, combine the fractions:
Subtract the numbers:
Popular Examples
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is 5\div 5+3\div 5-7\div 10 ?
The solution to 5\div 5+3\div 5-7\div 10 is 9/10
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