Solution steps
Least Common Multiplier of
Least Common Multiplier (LCM)
Prime factorization of
is a prime number, therefore no factorization is possible
Prime factorization of
is a prime number, therefore no factorization is possible
Multiply each factor the greatest number of times it occurs in either or
Multiply the numbers:
Adjust Fractions based on the LCM
Multiply each numerator by the same amount needed to multiply its
corresponding denominator to turn it into the LCM
For multiply the denominator and numerator by
For multiply the denominator and numerator by
Apply the fraction rule:
Line up the numbers
Subtract each column of digits, starting from the right and working left
If the digit being subtracted is larger than the digit above it, 'borrow' a digit from the next column to the left.
In the bolded column, subtract the second digit from the first
The bottom number is larger than the upper number. Try to'borrow' a digit from the left.
Borrow from . The remainder is
Add ten to :
In the bolded column, subtract the second digit from the first:
In the bolded column, subtract the second digit from the first:
Factor the number:
Factor the number:
Cancel the common factor:
Popular Examples
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is 6/3-5/7 ?
The solution to 6/3-5/7 is 9/7